Monday, October 8, 2012

The Story

The sneaky mouse is sniffing around, darting from rock to rock.
His Tummy growls and he shushes it.
He hides behind a rock and then peeks over.
he sneaks backward and falls into a hole.  He's confused and feels exposed and scrambles to get out.
He surveys the scene, hiding behind a tree trunk. 
The trunk (aka the elephant's foot) suddenly lifts from the ground and plants down on his head as the elephant shifts his weight a little.
The mouse struggles and struggles to get his head out and is unable to do so until the elephant shifts his weight again.
The mouse gasps and takes in air and then stumbles around dealing with the trauma of his flattened head, eventually shaking it off.
When he shakes it off, he darts out of the Danger Zone, stumbling in and out of foot prints until he is behind a rock a small distance away.
H then gets his first glimpse of the creature - As he looks on in awe his tummy growls and an idea occurs to him.
His mouth starts to salivate and he smacks his lips.

He sneaks up on the elephant.
At the base of the back foot - the mouse realizes for the first time just how massive a morsel of food he has decided to tackle.
He gulps and briefly thinks about abandoning the task, but then his tummy rumbles and his determination is renewed.
He begins the mountainous ascent.
About the time he gets to the tail, he takes pause to rest.  As He rests there, something rushes by him at great speed - almost knocking him from his precarious perch.  He clings tighter and looks around nervously.
He tries to hide, but gets smacked by the tail.
He grabs out to the tail as he gets swept off of the shank.

The camera cuts to the front of the elephant, he's just swinging his tail as he chews on something - He's mindlessly just eating - in the back, you can see the mouse going in and out of view - clinging to the tail as a butterfly alights him between the eyes.
His eyes follow the butterfly as it lands - as soon as it lands, his blank expression becomes one of sheer ecstatic joy - the butterfly flies away and the elephant chases it enthusiastically.
The elephant runs around - the mouse clings on for dear life - the elephant gets caught up on his trunk and trips onto his face - tusks down in the dirt, launching the mouse into a tree which he slides down.

The elephant, his head near the ground sees the mouse slide past him and is scared - he pulls himself up and in his panic he "dances" around not sure what to do. The mouse gets up, dazed, and drunkenly stumbles about narrowly avoiding getting stepped on quite by accidental chance.

Eventually the elephant scrambles up the tree.
As the mouse finally shakes it off, he looks around - sneakily - wondering what became of his meal.  He hears a crack or creak and looks upand sees the elephant clinging to a branch, which snaps.  The mouse "Slowly" comes to a realization of what is about to happen to him and looks for a place to hide - Sees only the tree and heads in that direction.  There is not enough time for him to make it - moving that direction.

The mouse gets squashed.
The elephant is still in a panic and rushes to hide behind the tree.  He peeks from behind the tree at the flattened mouse and feels bad.  He creeps out and pokes at the mouse - a single tear escapes his eye.  He performs CPR, as the mouse comes to - Elephant hides again.  The mouse feels exposed and immediately hides behind a rock, then peeks out and sees the elephant looking back at him and Hides Again and his tummy growls big and long - which the elephant hears. with his big ears.

He slowly approaches the mouse and stretches his long trunk out - cautiously and drops a peanut on the other side of the rock (on the mouse's head)
The mouse is upset at getting hit, but then notices the peanut and eagerly shoves it in his mouth.  And then cautiously peeks from behind the rock.  The elephant gives him a tentative smile.
The mouse smiles a giant peanut grin.

Fade to credits.

During credits - Still images
-Elephant revealing a large pile of peanuts
-Mouse diving in peanuts
-Mouse enjoying peanuts

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